Greg Kurka
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Greg Kurka is a Music Composer based in Denton, Texas, currently employed by Kooapps for their app Piano Tiles 2. He specializes in writing original tracks, designing levels, and writing and converting classical MIDI tracks into game specific JSON format. Greg utilizes Cubase for composing music and running scripts. He also writes and updates Python code to accomplish tasks.
Before joining the Piano Tiles 2 team, Greg composed 250 one-minute tracks for Kooapps' game "Piano Dream" and created tilesets for its levels. His portfolio also includes contributions to indie titles such as "Project Aura: Crucible," a bullet hell game by Developer Albert Chen, and "Ellie's Paintbrush," a children's painting game.
For the past 13 years, Greg has been teaching piano and guitar, with a weekly student load ranging from 30 to 45 during the years 2014 to 2020. Currently, he continues to teach a few long-term students he's been instructing for nearly a decade.
Greg holds a Music Composition and Technology degree from UW Milwaukee. He was involved in choir throughout high school and college and toured as the keyboardist for the pop-punk band "Koala Taxi" in the Midwest in 2008. Having started playing piano at the age of 6, Greg's interest in music composition blossomed during his middle school years while experimenting with the software Fruity Loops.
Always eager for new projects, Greg is keen to contribute music to games, films, or other creative endeavors. For inquiries, please contact him at Thank you for your interest!
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It's a Longdrive Bubbleman

Gameplay for Kooapps' Piano Dream